Cover picture credit: Mercy Rophina

Today I slept
during a colloquium
Nothing unusual
just someone I don’t know
trying to best explain their work
Work, they did over many years,
to achieve… what exactly?
Then I thought,
One day, I’ll be explaining my own work,
to a bunch of strangers,
pouring my brain and heart out,
convincing myself that it all makes perfect sense…
There, for sure
at least one person
would fall asleep
completing the circle of PhD life…
Aseem Chaphalkar

Aseem is a PhD scholar who works in Kausik Chakraborty lab on biophysics of protein folding and aggregation. He is an amateur Sci-Fi story writer and science communicator, mostly writes in Marathi.

By Aseem Chaphalkar

Aseem is a PhD scholar who works in Kausik Chakraborty lab on biophysics of protein folding and aggregation. He is an amateur Sci-Fi story writer and science communicator, mostly writes in Marathi.

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