Our mental health includes all aspects of our physical, psychological, emotional, and social well-being. It affects our attitudes, feelings, and actions. It also affects how we deal with stress, communicate with others, and make wise decisions. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

Despite the fact that the terms are commonly used interchangeably, poor mental health and
mental illness are not the same. A person can have poor mental health even if they do not have
a mental condition. A person who has a mental illness may also experience periods of excellent
physical, mental, and social health. Depression is one such mental illness. Disability is responsible for more “years lost” than any other ailment. This is large because it affects so many people — 350 million, according to the World Health Organization — and lasts for a long time. (When disability and death are included, depression is placed ninth behind common killers like heart disease, stroke, and HIV.) However, due to stigma, a lack of efficient treatments, and insufficient mental health resources, depression is frequently undiagnosed and untreated. There is barely one psychiatrist per 100,000 people in the nation where almost one fifth of the world’s population resides. To explain the condition of depression, there is a poetry below:

I wish,I could make myself understand
Why heart is suffering deep in pain
As eyes are shedding tears like rain
And life seems, going to be all in vain.

To get the answer of all these things
I feel like hitting my head on nothing
Hating own existence even though
To save my life I am also struggling.

I know there is nothing as perfection
But still I hated my own reflection
Many times I tried to end my life
Taking pills gave me only sleepless nights.

Some call it depression but some do not
And for some mental health is just a myth
Don't know what to call it then
As my brain is breaking down in stress.

The heaviness of feeling very lonely
Or to live in fear for whatever reason
Having to take care for those we loved
Losing the one we wanted to stay in life.

These are the reasons I could have find
While taking help from those who are kind
Recognising the problem is a positive sign
Depression it is which is going to be fine.

Realising our power of control on mind
Could help us in making us feel alive
To help ourselves out of darkness
We need to put inside out to shine.

Firdaus Fatima is working in the Department of Informatics and Big Data under the mentorship of Dr. S. Ramachandran. She focuses on the role of phytochemicals as therapeutic agents targeting Breast Cancer. When away from computers, she picks up a pen to express her unique understanding of the world.

By Firdaus Fatima

Firdaus Fatima is working in the Department of Informatics and Big Data under the mentorship of Dr. S. Ramachandran. She focuses on the role of phytochemicals as therapeutic agents targeting Breast Cancer. When away from computers, she picks up a pen to express her unique understanding of the world.

One thought on “Mental health”
  1. मैं अपने वजन से जूझता था, लेकिन यह अविश्वसनीय वजन घटाने वाला उत्पाद मेरी मदद के लिए आया। 95 किलो से लेकर 65 किलो तक के फिट और शानदार वजन तक, मैं बिल्कुल नए व्यक्ति की तरह महसूस करता हूँ। यहाँ क्लिक करें अपने वजन घटाने की क्षमता को अनलॉक करने और एक परिवर्तनकारी यात्रा पर निकलने के लिए!

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