This figure is an example of attractor which is generated using mathematical equations in R. An attractor is like a system in which picture is drawn by tracing the path of a particle moving on the basis of a complex mathematical function with discontinuities. Because the attractive force on the particle is not continuous, it will be highly sensitive to whatever the precise state of the system at each timepoint, and will often form complex patterns that seem random, but eventually form a repeating orbit. 
This is inspired from the work of Will Chase ( and the R code is available at (anuragraj@GitHub).

Anurag Raj is a PhD student in Bioinformatics at CSIR IGIB, New Delhi. He is currently involved in developing novel methods and approaches for high throughput data analysis in the field of computational proteomics. Apart from this, he enjoys travelling, reading, and photography in his spare time.

By Anurag Raj

Anurag Raj is a PhD student in Bioinformatics at CSIR IGIB, New Delhi. He is currently involved in developing novel methods and approaches for high throughput data analysis in the field of computational proteomics. Apart from this, he enjoys travelling, reading, and photography in his spare time.

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