The Village Life: A typical day in the mountains of rural Himachal

Early morning Pondicherry is a Vibe: Over the years, one of the great joys of travelling for me has been the opportunity to capture the place and its people in their native, undisturbed state.

Aastha Vatsyayan is a PhD student in Dr. Vinod Scaria’s Lab. She uses computational strategies to decode the pathogenicity and genetic epidemiology of hereditary cancers. She loves watching Sci-Fi, making art, writing and photography. Through her lens, she hopes to capture the extraordinary beauty hidden in seemingly ordinary everyday moments.

By Aastha Vatsyayan

Aastha Vatsyayan is a PhD student in Dr. Vinod Scaria’s Lab. She uses computational strategies to decode the pathogenicity and genetic epidemiology of hereditary cancers. She loves watching Sci-Fi, making art, writing and photography. Through her lens, she hopes to capture the extraordinary beauty hidden in seemingly ordinary everyday moments.

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