Picture credit: Mercy Rophina

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In this 75th year of our democracy, every one of us in our country understands the importance of voting. We proudly hold up our ink-stained fingers when we get our chance to make our choice.

What started as an attempt to increase visibility of the Pulse Magazine turned into a study of democracy. We learned that people, even apathetic ones, will make the effort if they get a say. We learned that social media plays a big role in capturing public interest. We learned that friendships and loyalties strongly influence our choice, impartiality is not our natural suit. And finally, we learned that without safeguards, we will rig the system.

But, thankfully, unlike our democracy, where the stakes are too high, we are not compelled to pick one winner. We have the luxury of declaring everyone a winner. Everyone who made the effort, who tickled their brains to represent itself, who used their neurons to imagine the abstract and illustrate the unimaginable beauty of this organ.

We present to you all the entries and invite you all to fire up those neuronal circuits to populate the coming issues of our own digital magazine, the Pulse.

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