3 Nov 2022
Open Day (Jigyasa) at Mathura Road

30 school students (DAV Public School, Gurgaon and Nirmal Bhartia School, Dwarka) and 90 college students (Deen Dayal Upadhyaya and Manav Rachna) visited the campus in the morning and the afternoon, respectively. They saw the institute from the eyes of our science ambassadors and hearing about the specific research questions that they are addressing in their work. Dr. Ganesh Bagler was invited to talk about his research on gastronomy and interact with the college students and the researchers of IGIB.
10 Nov 2022

Open Day at Mall Road
30 students from Miranda House, University of Delhi visited IGIB. They visited the sequencing facility, confocal microscopy facility, and saw a live demonstration of real time PCR.
11 Nov 2022
Beyond Research Webinar Series | Nov edition with Dr. Gerlind Wallon EMBO.
Recording: https://youtu.be/f7-qUleF25Y
23 Nov 2022

ACBICON Pre Conference Workshop on Genome Editing by CRISPR-Cas
Dr. Debojyoti Chakraborty’s lab organized a workshop for participants registered for the ACBICON Conference 2022. The participants were introduced to the CRISPR-Cas system and its applications using a mix of talks and hands-on experiments in the lab.
18 – 24 Nov 2022
World Antimicrobial Awareness Week

The science outreach team observed World Antimicrobial Awareness Week at the institute using a wide range of communication media. WHO posters were translated in Hindi and disseminated, AMR quiz in the form of a web app was developed, AMR short story writing competition (that is open till 15 Dec 2022) was announced, a new episode of IGIB et al podcast was released – part 1 on AMR in veterinary sciences, conversation between V P Singh and Bharat Yadav and part 2 on antimicrobials and antifungals with Sunil Nagpal, Trisha Moitra and Tanushree.
Link to podcast: