Shadow-a-Scientist Program
CSIR-IGIB is currently hosting a number of school students for a duration of two weeks each in our newly launched outreach program under Jigyasa, Shadow-a-Scientist. In this program, the school students have the opportunity to be mentored by scientists through a shadowing experience. Each student is assigned to a specific lab, where they spend two weeks alongside the PI and their lab members. This provides them with an immersive research experience within the country.
World Microbiome Day 2023

World Microbiome Day was celebrated on June 27th, 2023, at IGIB’s Mathura Road campus. This event was organized by members of Dr. Rakesh Sharma’s lab, who created and displayed vibrant posters showcasing the diverse microbes inhabiting the human body as well as those present in our environment. Through this initiative, we aimed to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the microscopic world that surrounds us, influences us, and shapes our lives.