We dedicate this issue of Pulse to RNA, one of the key molecules that connects all the labs of our research institute. The mention of RNA brings the picture of (imagined) primordial soup to my mind. The RNA biology research that happens at the institute is no less than a modern dish of our current understanding of the RNA world.

From molecular medicine to respiratory disease biology or infectious diseases to integrative biology. The diversity of RNA research at the institute – be it the tools used to understand the structure and function of various forms of RNA or the translational applications after decoding that information – is difficult to capture in a single issue of Pulse.

So, we are featuring two of the stories in this issue (also because of the limited entries that we received) – ‘Unlocking the secrets of alternative splicing: A tale of two isoforms’ and ‘The multifaceted potential of lncRNA’.

The discovery of ribozymes is one of the most fascinating discoveries in the RNA world for me. We encourage our readers to share their favorite discoveries about RNA on our Twitter thread here. We also have a quiz that would make you relive some of the historic eureka moments in the RNA world.

With that, we wish you a happy translation of your RNA research!

Poorti Kathpalia, a scientist by training, is now pursuing her passion for making science fun and accessible through her sci-comm activities.

By Poorti Kathpalia

Poorti Kathpalia, a scientist by training, is now pursuing her passion for making science fun and accessible through her sci-comm activities.

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