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In the meandering waters, vibrant and bright,

Swimming gracefully, a stunning sight,

A creature with stripes, so unique and rare,

Zebrafish, oh zebrafish, beyond compare. 

For these zebrafish hold the key,

Unlocking doors to new therapy,

Their genes so similar to our own,

A stepping stone in discoveries unknown. 

Oh zebrafish, of vibrant scales and graceful glide,

Your contribution to science, we cannot hide,

Microinjection, a tool in our hands,

To unravel nature’s secrets, across distant lands. 

Lost fins rejuvenate, as if brand new,

The heart beats stronger, veins renew,

With every wound, the fish prevails,

Regenerating cells, as if it never fails. 

RNA insitu hybridisation, a technique profound,

Unraveling secrets, where knowledge is found,

Scientists peering through a microscopic lens,

A journey of discovery that surely transcends. 

CRISPR in zebrafish, a marvel to behold,

Transforming the story that has been told.

Unlocking possibilities, where limits are none,

Discovering mysteries that were once undone. 

Observing closely, scientists detect,

How these tiny creatures interconnect.

Will they choose left, or maybe right?

Which path will lead them is a question right.

In a lab of innovation, where hopes take flight,

Scientists toil, seeking answers day and night.

Their focus on zebrafish, a marvel to behold,

A species so small, but with mysteries yet untold.

— Aayushi Gupta, Banasthali Vidyapith, Jaipur, Rajasthan

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