Some of the upcoming international grant applications:

EMBO Global Investigator Network
This grant supports investigators who are in the 1st 6 years of their setting up their lab. The investigators receive financial support for 4 years for training, networking, and collaborative activities. The grant provides opportunity for career development, networking, and scientific exchange of young investigators by supporting them in areas including but not limited to professional development courses, visiting other global institutions to give talks, inviting experts to give lectures, attending, or organizing international scientific meetings and most interestingly lab retreats. Applicants must have published at least one last author research paper in an international peer reviewed journal from independent work carried out in their own laboratory.
Further details can be found at:
Application Deadline – 1st June 2022

HFSP research grants
The Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) has launched a call for the HFSP research grants. There are two types of grants; research grant early career and research grant program. The research teams should ideally comprise of 2-4 members from different institutes/countries. Grant amount will depend on number of investigators and a fixed sum would be provided for 3 years.
Further details are available here
Important dates –
Reference number to be obtained by 24th March 2022
Letter of Intent to be submitted by 31st March 2022
Screened LOIs to be informed by July 2022
Full proposal submission by September 2022

A research support professional, a scientist by training with a molecular biology background and one who is passionate about Research Management - the skills, the opportunities and working in the "critical space" between different units of research. At IGIB, working towards enriching the Institutional research and collaboration profile as India Alliance RM fellow.

By Aradhita Baral

A research support professional, a scientist by training with a molecular biology background and one who is passionate about Research Management - the skills, the opportunities and working in the "critical space" between different units of research. At IGIB, working towards enriching the Institutional research and collaboration profile as India Alliance RM fellow.

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