The past month was packed with diverse outreach events that ranged from Open Day and workshops to a movie screening. CSIR-IGIB was the outreach partner for the movie, Vision of the Blind Lady, based on Dr. Arijit Mukhopadhyay’s research on genetic testing for glaucoma. The movie screening in Delhi happened at the National Science Center. An interview that illuminates the vision behind Vision of the Blind Lady, with Dr Arijit and the directors of the film is included in this issue.

Genetic screening and molecular diagnostics has been one of the major research focuses of IGIB. As part of the GoMeD and GUaRDIAN programs, thousands of patients have been tested. In addition to genetic testing, gene editing using CRISPR-Cas for treating Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is in the phase of preclinical studies. Some of the challenges that still exist in the field and the need for creating awareness of SCD have been covered extensively in Collaboration and awareness: The way ahead for Sickle Cell Disease.

As much as it is important to create awareness about the power of genetic testing and sensitizing the general public, it is also essential to perform all that necessary and relevant research work with minimal plastic usage. We rarely discuss this elephant in the room – the millions of tons of plastic lab waste generated annually. Why don’t we initiate certain sustainable practices like reuse and reduce plastics in the lab on this World Environment Day which is on 5th June? I would request all of you to share with us the practices that you follow in your lab or feel would be helpful in reducing lab generated plastic waste.

Let us create Green Genetics research starting from the month of June.

Poorti Kathpalia, a scientist by training, is now pursuing her passion for making science fun and accessible through her sci-comm activities.

By Poorti Kathpalia

Poorti Kathpalia, a scientist by training, is now pursuing her passion for making science fun and accessible through her sci-comm activities.

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