Cover picture credit: Sangita Paul

The encoded code that I am born with,
The trials that came when I was a kid,
The defining moments that showed me love and care,
Isn't that going to answer the question of where am I in there?

The mirror neurons that keep seeking validation,
The maladaptive behaviors that cause this inhibition,
The rewards and endorphins that I keep chasing,
Are just the background noise of all that electricity blazing.

The inherent desire to fit in the community,
The sense of loss on losing that self identity,
Dreams and aspirations that I picked up on the way,
Are just random nuances of living with eyes open each day?

I don't know who I am and am still in a fix.
Maybe because I am just a random mix
Of electrical activity and chemical reactions just like in a wasp,
Who has woken up to a consciousness that it cannot grasp.

Poorti Kathpalia, a scientist by training, is now pursuing her passion for making science fun and accessible through her sci-comm activities.

By Poorti Kathpalia

Poorti Kathpalia, a scientist by training, is now pursuing her passion for making science fun and accessible through her sci-comm activities.

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