Blurry night

It was a night during my last college days. My friends and I went out to see a movie in the theater. And that night we all didn’t sleep, didn’t know what our destination was, all we wanted was to roam the city by walking and enjoy ourselves. Isn’t that life, roaming without a fixed destination and enjoying each other’s company?


We all have faith, it varies where we devote ourselves to. We can’t ultimately surrender to anything until we have faith without a reason. Faith is the ultimate tool to find the truth. But at the same time “It is not faith, if you need your eyes to believe in it”

Faith is a function of the heart. It must be enforced by reason. The two are not antagonistic as some think. The more intense one’s faith is, the more it whets one’s reason. When faith becomes blind it dies.

MK Gandhi 

His greatness

His greatness: The inscribed words were the names of the people who helped in making the magnanimous Thanjavur brihadeeswarar temple! During the reign of the Great emperor Raja Raja Chola, under his supervision, it was constructed. He ordered to inscribe everybody’s name who worked in the construction

For more info:,_Thanjavur#Temple_personnel




As we all knew, Shahjahan was captured and jailed in Agra fort by Aurangzeb. This might be the view he used to have during his last days.

In front of mighty nature

In front of mighty nature: every time I visit the Himalayas or sea, I get stuck and my mind goes blank. I feel like a tiny creature in front of mighty nature. Our personal and professional problems, Happiness, are nothing to nature. When it doesn’t want us, it can wipe us out in a moment. But at the same time, it is radiating the beauty to live the life with more joy

Bharathram Uppili

Bharathram is a PhD student in Dr. Mohammed Faruq's lab, CSIR-IGIB .
Being a self-taught artist, he feels it is difficult to write about himself.
Like a leaf in a river, he travels and explores himself in different domains of arts and science, like photography, writing and sketching.Believes in humanity. Enjoys listening classical music and talks. Bizarre Cinema buff. History lover. And a curious guy who enjoys doing science.

By Bharathram Uppili

Bharathram is a PhD student in Dr. Mohammed Faruq's lab, CSIR-IGIB . Being a self-taught artist, he feels it is difficult to write about himself. Like a leaf in a river, he travels and explores himself in different domains of arts and science, like photography, writing and sketching. Believes in humanity. Enjoys listening classical music and talks. Bizarre Cinema buff. History lover. And a curious guy who enjoys doing science.

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