My ancestors bless me everyday

But not as you may think

From my faulty digestion to my round round face

God, I’m at the brink!

Now I have a son and he

Is a replica of good ol’ me

But not all genes, you know they say

Travel in the very same way

Head shape it seems is on the Y

Which we can’t change, how we try!

So with a big head poor thing will roam

Head shape travels on Y chromosome

Truth be told not just husband had a bad gene

I passed one which naked eye hadn’t seen

This one went on the beautiful X

For his life he will be under hex

I passed on an enzyme deficiency

Which never did manifest in me

Dear son will forever stay away from beans

And malaria-curing chloroquines

But hold on, it’s not just us humans with good or bad genes

Across the living kingdom, same are the scenes

Better and better physical versions we become…

Remember to make it worthwhile so Father Time is not glum!

Isha Rakheja

Isha is a PhD student in Dr. Souvik Maiti’s lab, working on targeting lncRNA structures using small molecules. She thinks that doing science is a lot like stumbling through life and is trying to figure out both.

By Isha Rakheja

Isha is a PhD student in Dr. Souvik Maiti’s lab, working on targeting lncRNA structures using small molecules. She thinks that doing science is a lot like stumbling through life and is trying to figure out both.

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