The UV transilluminator sees PhD emotions 
Transpire every day near it
Unparalleled is the level of anticipation 
I have witnessed from where I sit
PhD students have shown to trainees
How to visualize and cut a gel
Postdocs have breathed heavy sighs of defeat 
When the light showed a failed indel
Had they moved towards a solution or sent 
Three precious days down the drain?
No matter the answer, that night their heart must 
Go to sleep in very great pain
In contrast to these occasions when I 
Empathise with their plight
My favourite is watching when people have jumped up
Celebrating with squeals of delight 
Little (and big) victory dances I have seen
Of triumph and utter relief,
Their spirits so lifted that in all of science 
Renewed gets their belief! 
When knowledge imparted from senior to junior 
I’ve picked up a concept or two
Whether it excites you, whether it dismays you,
A powerful colour is blue. 
The anticipation around the gel varies 
In the form of a normal curve
Trainee and first year show indifference with senior 
But time different flavours does serve
The second year comes bringing great expectation 
For she’s just started her own project
The third year brings some quiet frustration
Outward expression a little abject
Experience walks in with Zen-like realization 
And detachment of the fourth year
The last year is not even running a gel, 
A junior can do it- it’s clear. 
The beyond years are called by their juniors just
To visualize and consult
The DNA community, the protein community..
Doesn’t it sound like a cult?
I must confess though that heavy sighs 
Are way more than victory
But I understand now, the ways of science- 
Sometimes morose, sometimes glee
In taking our projects from conception to
A logical conclusion 
We learn that we are powerful- 
What’s a little trial, a little tribulation?
We develop a will and a confidence 
To know that we can do it 
We can wade through huge obstacles 
And mind it only a bit
This deep knowledge I have gained my friends
Has not come to me for free
I have run many many a gel
And failed at most
You see
But I work near the UV transilluminator
And trust me, there’s no bench that’s greater
Isha Rakheja

Isha is a PhD student in Dr. Souvik Maiti’s lab, working on targeting lncRNA structures using small molecules. She thinks that doing science is a lot like stumbling through life and is trying to figure out both.

By Isha Rakheja

Isha is a PhD student in Dr. Souvik Maiti’s lab, working on targeting lncRNA structures using small molecules. She thinks that doing science is a lot like stumbling through life and is trying to figure out both.

One thought on “UV transilluminator”
  1. You nicely written the poem , I never knew that you have such talent, many many thanks
    to you

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