A hundred and fifty kilometres, thirteenth hour Every muscle in my body has gone sour Thinking, contemplating, feeling lighter Two wheels on a highway, one wise rider One hybrid geared bicycle, bought four years ago Never had done fifty kilometres in a go Gaps between long rides were getting wider Two wheels on a highway, one eager rider One long weekend, one goal A hundred qualms peeking out from deep within my soul Many well-wishers urging me to reconsider Two wheels on a highway, one naïve rider One backpack, two bottles for water Three pairs of casuals, one pair of floaters Sunscreen, toolkit, an umbrella would be better Two wheels on a highway, one determined rider One pleasant morning, one good start Took it a bit slow, thought I was smart First twenty percent road was much easier Two wheels on a highway, one ambitious rider Agra is not so far, a-third way passed! Let us halt for a big breakfast Put on sunscreen, the sun’s getting brighter Two wheels on a highway, one enthusiastic rider Toll plaza passed, seventy-five kilometres Front tire gets flat, oh good fritters! Alone, immovable in the middle of nowhere Two wheels on a highway, one sad rider Four hours passed, two Dhaba’s explored Two patches wasted; one puncture repaired Dehydration setting in, despite having water Two wheels on a highway, one sick rider Heading back to home, praying the patch holds The brutality of highway weather truly unfolds Dragging breaths, peddling gets harder and harder Two wheels on a highway, one tired rider Last ten kilometres, terrible traffic around Mind numb, thoughtless, not very sound Left knee screaming pain, pee looks like cider Two wheels on a highway, one disillusioned rider Bad timing, bad execution, even worse outcome Still feels good, overall positive total sum Don’t know exactly what gets me madder A highway, a long ride or a crazy rider?

Aseem Chaphalkar
Aseem is a PhD scholar who works in Kausik Chakraborty lab on biophysics of protein folding and aggregation. He is an amateur Sci-Fi story writer and science communicator, mostly writes in Marathi.
Every single day you amaze me more. I just want to let you know that I am so proud of the man you have become, and the man I always knew you would be. You are smart, sweet, funny, generous and kind and everything he stands for ! keep writing and exploring dear brother …