Golden stalks of corn
Would still be swaying in the wind
We would just not know
Why they are golden or brown
And how their genes jump here and there
If not for McClintock
Clocks inside our cells
Would still in unison be ticking away
We would just not know 
Why they make us larks and owls
And how they reset every day
If not for Anita
A curvy glassy worm
Would still be bursting with eggs unborn
Ambrose would just not find
Tiny RNAs, dicing and slicing
And how they set the fates of cells
If not for the women in his lab and life
Men and women everywhere
Would still be dancing to the tune of Huntington’s chorea. 
We would just not know
The gene that eats the brain
Or warn those with these vexing signs
If not for Wexler, the gene hunter. 
Nerves and sinew, muscle and skin
Would still talk to each other 
We would just not know
How the mandibullar calls out to a nerve
Or what the snake venom potion was hidin’
If not for Rita Levi-Montalcini
Science and human knowledge
Would still be so illuminating
We would just not know
The secret solution to so many puzzles
Or how to make science touch everyone everywhere
If not for the women in science.

-Beena Pillai

The world would still have turned on its own without romance
Science without women would not have made any sense.
If it wasn’t for their self-interest and rebellion
Books would have been oblivious to ‘woman’ kind whose count is half of- if the population was- a million. 
With her smartness and skills, she learnt to turn her own world upside down 
And proved that she was more than a nurturer who can touch the sky with her feet still on the ground. 
But imagine a world where ‘her’ wings were still clipped,
Science with only men, such a world’d definitely has flipped. 
Men would have been perplexed, fiddling with images of x-ray crystallography, 
If it wasn’t for Franklin, would Francis, Crick, and Wilkins ever have scored a trophy?
It was a woman who wrote thousands and thousands of codes to help man reach outer space, 
If there was no XX prevalent, would an XY be existent in the first place?
An ailing life would still have thrived if DNA was left untouched
If it wasn’t for the potential of CRISPR CAS9 system that Duodna and Charpantier repurposed!
Imagine a world where a cure after diagnostics was not possible, all because there was a Curie
Even considering a world of science without women is an issue worth taking to the jury. 
So, let’s keep this endless discussion to an end and raise a toast with a champagne 
Science needs both men and women, they both are equally essential, please support this campaign. 

-Saumya Sharma,Ph.D. Student,℅ Dr. Debojyoti Chakraborty 

मैं महिला हूँ 
म से ममता, जीवन का स्वरुप हूँ,
जी हाँ मैं महिला हूँ।
पहाड़ की चोटी को छूने वाली बछेंद्री पाल हूँ । 
जी हाँ मै महिला हूँ।  
रेडियम  पॉलोनियम  का  आविष्कार  करने  वाली ,
Marie Curie  हूँ , जी  हाँ  मैं  महिला  हूँ । 
DNA डबल  हेलिक्स  मिस्ट्री  का  हल  निकलने  वाली 
Rosalind Franklin हूँ , जी  हाँ  मैं  महिला  हूँ ।
320 दिनों  अंतरिक्ष  यात्रा  जाने  वाली , 
Sunita Williams हूँ , जी  हाँ  मैं  महिला  हूँ ।
मैं  वैज्ञानिक  हूँ  जिसने  असंभव  को  भी  संभव  कर  दिखाया 
मैं  वो  ताकत  हूँ , जी  हाँ  मै  महिला  हूँ । 

-Krittika Zutshi

Saumya Sharma

Saumya is a PhD student in Debojyoti Chakraborty's lab.

Beena Pillai received her early scientific training as a microbiologist and now studies gene regulation in the neural system using diverse models- zebrafish, earthworm, mice and cultured cells to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying neurogenesis, neural cell differentiation and neurodegeneration.

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